I spent a couple of hours yesterday sorting out the steps at the rear of the boat that we use to get on and off of her. Since the move they have been about 2' short, I raised their height but it wasn't right for various reasons, for example where I had to add the new steps the transition step although the same width as the others stuck out further than the others making the on below it feel like it was only 2" deep. I'd been mulling over the options and decided to put a platform in and a direction change, as it will allow easier handling of things on and off the boat and also a more logical entrance.
I had a couple of free hours yesterday so did the needful, in the rain, absolutely lashing it down, but that is the advantage to her being completely under cover, I could cut the timber on board and glue/screw it together outside, under the bit of shelter from the corner of the tarps.
Quite pleased with how they have turned out, I've said it before and I'll say it again the most important thing when repairing/restoring or refitting a boat is a good set of steps, using a ladder soon becomes tiresome!
Todays task was to reattach the front of the canopy after we had to cut it off for the move. Easier said than done, especially in the wind, they are very large tarps that cover her and collect a large amount of wind.
I'd also forgotten how heavy the front piece was that we cut off was, we really over engineered it, but after a lot of man handling and changing of underwear I got it in place, I glued large battens either side of where we cut it and screwed it in place. Two new front supports and a horizontal cross brace complete the grunting and groaning to get us back to where we were:
It was good, being in the "zone" today, radio blasting out Absolute 80s and getting on with the tasks and achieving what I set out to do. Onwards and upwards as they say!